FSEA Annual Convention 2024 “Level Up”

Join us for a transformative experience! Whether you choose to be there in person or virtually, we have an enriching lineup of events and activities for everyone.

FSEA is happy to announce our speakers & classes for the Annual Convention 2024!

When: June 6th – 8th, 2024

Where: Sheraton Tampa Brandon

(10221 Princess Palm Avenue Tampa, Florida)

Reserve your room today!

Featured Speakers:

Marc Dombrowski, EA

Timalyn Bowens, EA

Jackie Pointer, EA

Kesha Dawson Harris, EA

Session titles:

I am an EA! Now What?
How to Board the Non-Compliant Taxpayer
Back Tax Negotiation Workshop
Look at Common IRS Rep Situations and How to Deal with Them
IRS Correspondence – Action and Reaction
Augusta Rule
Hiring Your Family Properly
Divorce & Taxes
Foreign Tax Credit
Reasonable Compensation
Ethics – How to Respond to Online Reviews

Full session descriptions coming soon!

Featured events:

Wednesday, June 5th – Welcome reception by the pool with special entertainment after 7pm

Thursday, June 6th – Dinner at Top Golf –  Enjoy networking, food & fun {$25 fee applies} Register now!

Friday, June 7th – THE GALA!!!! Come dressed in your best to showcase your ‘leveling up’. Guest registration

Early Bird Registration Now Open for FSEA Annual Convention 2024!

Early bird rates: In person – $395/Virtual – $425

Rates after April 30th – In person – $445/Virtual – $470

Register to attend in person

Register to attend virtually

As a special offer for non-members attending In Person, your first year of FSEA annual membership fee is waived and will become effective September 1, 2024. In the time between the Convention and Sept 1 we will grant you official membership status. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to join an amazing group of professionals! We encourage you to also consider membership in NAEA.




Wednesday June 5th



4:00 – 9:00pm

Pool Party  

Thursday June 6th

6:00 – 7:45 AM


7:45 – 8:45 AM

Practice Mgmt.  

8:55 – 9 AM

Welcome to Convention  

9:00 – 10:40 AM

I am an EA!  Now What Marc Dombrowski, EA

8:00 – 4:00

Taxpayer Advocate Services On Site for Problem Solving  

10:40 – 10:50AM


10:50 – 12:30 AM

How to Board the Non Compliant Taxpayer Marc Dombrowski, EA

12:30 – 1:20 pm

Lunch & learn  IRS  

1:30 – 3:10pm

Back Tax Negotiation Workshop Timalyn Bowens, EA

3:10 – 3:30 PM


3:30 – 4:05 PM

Board of Directors Meeting  

4:05 – 5:30 PM

Annual Meeting of Members  


Buses to start to head to Top Golf  
 Friday June 7th

6:00 – 7:45 AM


7:45 – 8:45 AM

Practice Mgmt.  

8:55 – 9 AM


9:00 – 10:40 AM

Look at Common IRS Rep situations and How to Deal with Them Marc


IRS Correspondence – Action and Reaction Marc Dombrowski, EA

8:00 – 4:00

Taxpayer Advocate Services On Site for Problem Solving  

10:40 – 10:50AM


10:50 – 11:40 AM

Augusta Rule Timalyn Bowens, EA

11:40 – 12:30 PM

Technology & Tax: A Path to Enhanced Compliance, Accuracy and Risk Mitigation Jessica Smith, EA & Jamie Gruol

12:30 – 1:20 pm

Lunch & learn  Taxdome to answer questions Taxdome

1:30 – 3:10pm

Hiring Your Family Properly Timalyn Bowens, EA

3:10 – 3:30 PM


3:30 – 4:20 PM

Divorce & Taxes Timalyn Bowens, EA

4:20 – 5:30 PM

On Your Own  

5:30 – 6:30 PM

Social Hour  

6:30 – 8:30PM


8:30 to 10:00

DJ / Dance / Socialize  
 Saturday, June 8th 

6:00 – 7:55 AM


7:55 – 8:00 AN


8:00 – 9:40 AM

Foreign Tax Credit Jackie Pointer, EA


Reasonable Compensation Jackie Pointer, EA

10:00 – 11:50PM

Ethics – How to Respond to Online Reviews Kesha Dawson Harris, EA


Convention Wrap Up  

12:00 – 1:30

Lunch Provided Board Orientation  

1:30 – 2:00


2:00 – 5:00pm

BOD Meeting

A special thank you to our wonderful sponsors!


Session Descriptions

I am an EA, Now What?

This class is for new (and old) tax Professionals who are baffled by what the world may or may not expect from them. We will review the filling out of a 2848, 8821 and when to use those documents. What is a basic client entitled to? When a client owes a tax they cannot pay in the current year, what are their options to pay? What is an IRS Tax Pro Account? How to read the various IRS Transcripts will also be addressed.


  1. How to prepare an IRS POA form 2848 and 8821 Tax Authorization.
  2. Available IRS Installment Agreement knowledge.
  3. How to set up an IRS Tax Pro Account and why
  4. How to read IRS Account and wage & Income Transcripts.

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How to Board the Noncompliant Taxpayer

By reviewing the EA Care Package forms, we see how the presenter interviews a potential non-compliant taxpayer. We also review the process once the client is signed, how to aid the client into financial disclosure and estimated payments. We review various practice strategies and template forms to move the client through resolution. The ultimate goal is to change the client’s ways and get them into compliance, then making a presentation to the IRS for resolution.


  1. Establish an outline of Initial Interview questions to figure out the client’s current compliance and past timeline.
  2. Understand the importance of Compliance in a representation case and impart that knowledge to a client.
  3. How to pull out a basic financial from a taxpayer.
  4. Procedures to fill in the proper IRS form 2848 or 8821 for a new rep client.
  5. Understanding basic IRS Collection Letters to see where the client is in the Collection Process.

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Back Tax Negotiation Workshop

A walk-through of transcript analysis and identifying the CSED, tolling events, penalties, compliance, and upsell opportunities. Then how to fill out the 433-A, 433-B, or F to determine what the taxpayer qualifies for.

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Look at Common IRS Rep situations and How to Deal with Them

We Help People! This is a review of the traits it takes to be a solid Rep and what the clients throw at us. A comprehensive look at everyday IRS Representation case situations and where that takes the case. Real life cases from an initial interview to various events during the case.


  1. Learn how to best interview a new Representation Client.
  2. Understand what the IRS is looking for in a Compliant Taxpayer.
  3. Discuss where to lead the client to a Resolution on their IRS Rep case.

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Augusta Rule

This will be an overview of 280A(g). During our time together we will look at how our individual clients can benefit from it as well as our business clients. The requirements for this tax strategy will also be covered so participants are equipped to do consultations for their clients on this topic.

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Hiring Your Family Properly

Thanks to social media taxpayers think they can hire their family members and pay no taxes on the wages paid and their family members won’t pay taxes either. That’s not exactly how that works. We’ll cover what steps should be taken to hire a child, spouse, and parent to maximize tax savings. We’ll also look at due diligence as far as making sure they are legitimate employees as well as potential tax pitfalls.

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Foreign Tax Credit

This in-depth presentation demystifies the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC), exploring the nuances of limitations, income categorization, and complex provisions like GILTI. Gain practical insights into navigating treaties, the High-Tax Kickout, and other key aspects that impact your clients’ international income. Leave equipped with strategies to maximize FTC benefits, optimize tax savings, and confidently advise clients with foreign operations.

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Reasonable Compensation

Reasonable compensation is a strategic tool for self-employed individuals, especially those operating as S-corporations, to minimize self-employment tax while maximizing retirement savings. It involves balancing payroll tax savings with contributions to retirement plans like SEP IRAs and Solo 401(k)s with advanced strategies specific situations. Social Security benefits are also impacted by reasonable compensation, but it’s crucial to build diverse retirement income sources. IRS challenges can arise, emphasizing the importance of documentation and professional guidance in navigating this complex area of tax law.

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Level Up Your Ethics: Balancing Compliance, Responsibility, and Real World Application for the Circular 230 Practitioners

Join us for an informative and engaging class on the essential ethical guidelines outlined in Circular 230 for tax professionals. Learn practical strategies for addressing conflicts of interest, ensuring due diligence, and upholding the highest standards of professionalism in your daily practice. By participating in this class, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your ethical obligations and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully navigate the complexities of the tax profession.

  • Comprehend Circular 230 core ethical principles: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the key ethical standards for tax professionals.
  • Apply practical compliance strategies: Learn how to implement ethical guidelines in daily practice through real-life examples.
  • Strengthen ethical decision-making skills: Develop the ability to effectively address and resolve ethical challenges encountered by tax professionals.

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